Xelajú: revolución e independencia

https://youtu.be/7uyozvl957Y Si había dos cosas que nos quedamos con ganas de hacer en Xela fueron las siguientes: Subir al mirador y salir de fiesta. Two things we hadn't done on our previous visit to Xela and we wanted to do this time around were getting to the famous viewpoint and going out at night. Por … Continue reading Xelajú: revolución e independencia

San Juan Ixcoy: lucha y amor indígena

We made loads of friends in Pueblo Nuevo. We got along with our students, with the family that hosted us, with the families that fed us… But there was one person who not only helped us around as much as he could but also changed the way we were starting to see teachers in Guatemala. … Continue reading San Juan Ixcoy: lucha y amor indígena

Pantalones rojos

En un valle en medio de la sierra de los Cuchumatanes, también conocidos como los Andes centroamericanos, nos encontramos con el curioso pueblo de Todos Santos Cuchumatán, que fue fundado como encomienda en 1528 y se sitúa a 2500m de altitud. On a valley in the middle of the Cuchumatanes, the Central American Andes, one … Continue reading Pantalones rojos

La tierra de la paz: Cobán, Guatemala

The newspapers had been talking about the upcoming fair in Cobán, Alta Verapaz. We had barely been in that department and I’d heard the town was pretty, so we took it as a chance to stop there for a couple of days and get to know it. Ya hacía días que habíamos leído en algún … Continue reading La tierra de la paz: Cobán, Guatemala

Exploring Huehuetenango

When we got to Huehue we knew one thing: we had a place to stay overnight thanks to Couchsurfing. That was all. We didn’t know how much time we’d stay there or what we would see around there. We had actually just come as a step towards the border, as we needed to stamp our … Continue reading Exploring Huehuetenango

Seis cosas maravillosas que hacer en San Cristóbal de las Casas

Cuando viajas ofreciendo tu trabajo a cambio de alojamiento, siempre llegas a conocer de forma muy diferente aquellos lugares turísticos que, durante un viaje normal, te acabarían hastiando. Así nos ocurrió con la maravillosa San Cristóbal de las Casas, una ciudad mágica que, por desgracia, ha sido tomada por los pi-hippies californianos y el turismo … Continue reading Seis cosas maravillosas que hacer en San Cristóbal de las Casas

Our Magical Mexican Day

It started just like every other day in Tulum. Waking up, getting dressed, having breakfast, talking to people. The only difference was us packing our bags, as we knew we had to keep heading south if we wanted to get to Guatemala in time. Our plan was to arrive at Chetumal, by the border, where we … Continue reading Our Magical Mexican Day