Exploring Huehuetenango

When we got to Huehue we knew one thing: we had a place to stay overnight thanks to Couchsurfing. That was all. We didn’t know how much time we’d stay there or what we would see around there. We had actually just come as a step towards the border, as we needed to stamp our … Continue reading Exploring Huehuetenango

Palenque, más que un lugar de paso

We already wrote about how our school works: the kids are there for two weeks of intensive studies (that's what we call a "plan") and then work at their homes for another two weeks. March had the longest plan, it was 3 weeks long because otherwise Easter would catch the kids at school, so we … Continue reading Palenque, más que un lugar de paso

Tikal: May the awesomeness be with you

Que Tikal es una trampa para turistas es un hecho. Uno se da cuenta de lo que nosotros bautizamos como 'tikalazo' desde el momento en que comprueba el precio de entrada al parque: Q150, o lo que es lo mismo, 20$ americanos. Teniendo en cuenta que en México el precio base es de 3.5$, duele. … Continue reading Tikal: May the awesomeness be with you

Our Magical Mexican Day

It started just like every other day in Tulum. Waking up, getting dressed, having breakfast, talking to people. The only difference was us packing our bags, as we knew we had to keep heading south if we wanted to get to Guatemala in time. Our plan was to arrive at Chetumal, by the border, where we … Continue reading Our Magical Mexican Day


We decided to spend most of our second day in Mexico visiting Cobá and we did not regret it. To us, it was the first contact with the jungle, and not only that - the first time we got to climb a Mayan pyramid! We loved it so much we had to talk about it... … Continue reading Cobá