Exploring Huehuetenango

When we got to Huehue we knew one thing: we had a place to stay overnight thanks to Couchsurfing. That was all. We didn’t know how much time we’d stay there or what we would see around there. We had actually just come as a step towards the border, as we needed to stamp our … Continue reading Exploring Huehuetenango

Camino a la frontera: Comitán y sus alrededores

During our last days in San Cristóbal, as we were already planning to spend Easter in Guatemala, we kept looking at this point in the map and considering a necessary step before crossing the border. Comitán. It was not far from Sancris, just about 100 km, so on our last day in the town we … Continue reading Camino a la frontera: Comitán y sus alrededores

Wonderful Waterfalls in Chiapas I: Roberto Barrios

Our initial plan was staying in Palenque for a relatively short time, just enough to see the town and the ruins. However, we found out there were at least two waterfalls near Palenque that we could visit. Apparently, the most impressive ones were Agua Azul ("blue water"), but they were quite touristy and very far … Continue reading Wonderful Waterfalls in Chiapas I: Roberto Barrios

Our Magical Mexican Day

It started just like every other day in Tulum. Waking up, getting dressed, having breakfast, talking to people. The only difference was us packing our bags, as we knew we had to keep heading south if we wanted to get to Guatemala in time. Our plan was to arrive at Chetumal, by the border, where we … Continue reading Our Magical Mexican Day